Call us at 1-833-252-2737 (TTY 711)

8AM-8PM Monday-Friday

Call us at 1-833-252-2737 (TTY 711)

8AM-8PM Monday-Friday

A Tribute to Mothers

Our Jamaica Alternative Care Setting celebrated Mother's Day with flowers, dancing, and affirmations for all the wonderful participants and staff who are moms. We hope your Mother's Day weekend was just as special!

Cinco de Mayo Celebration

Some of our Teamcare centers, such as Wallerstein and Bushwick, recently celebrated Cinco de Mayo with music, dancing, food, and decorations! Check out what other activities are going on at our sites here:

Teamcare Celebrates Easter

In many CenterLight Teamcare sites this week, our participants joined in on various activities in preparation for Easter. Our 99th Street participants enjoyed making beautiful and colorful hats, some of them are shown here. 

Wishing our Christian friends, family and community members a Happy Easter!

Happy Holi!

Happy Holi! Here's some of our Jamaica ACS participants and staff celebrating the holiday yesterday with music, colorful powder, and delicious treats.

Intergenerational Program

Each month, our Jamaica ACS hosts a group of elementary school kids from PS 186's "Kindness Committee" whose goal is to bring joy and kindness to our seniors as part of our intergenerational program. The kids bring treats and kind notes to our seniors. Recently, they worked together to create 2 Valentine's quilts--one for our center, and one for their school. Each person wrote what love means to them on a heart and they put it all together. Both our participants and the students look forward to spending time together during this awesome program every month.

The Key to a Long and Happy Marriage


For ValentinesDay, we talked to Teamcare Amityville participants Mr. and Mrs. Sharan, who have been married for over 70 years! They both say that the key to a long and happy marriage is understanding each other 💗

The Sharans have loved coming to the Teamcare center for the past 4 years, forming relationships with participants and staff. They both love music, Mr. Sharan practices yoga, and overall the two love to spend time together!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Love is in the air at Teamcare!

 In all four of these couples, both people are participants at our Grand Street location💕

Check out our site activities calendars to see what other holidays, events, activities, and programming our participants are enjoying at our sites at

Lunar New Year Celebration

Happening this afternoon at our Flushing site-- Lunar New Year treats for participants and performances from Ba Ban Chinese Music Society of New York 紐約八板中樂團!