Feeling Great at 97

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Participant Irma Hoyos first heard about CenterLight Healthcare PACE and joining the Westchester PACE Center in 2014. Irma says she had always been a social person, but as she got older, she found staying at home more often. Looking for socialization, Irma joined CenterLight Healthcare PACE and was greeted by staff and fellow participants with open arms. She states that everyone made her feel welcomed. In Irma’s own words:

"I love so many things about coming to the CenterLight PACE Center. I love spending time with my friends that I have made here. I am 97 years old, and I am like the big sister and grandma to so many people at the center. I look forward to when I come on Fridays because I laugh, socialize, and do so many exciting and interesting activities. I love coloring, painting, dancing, and making crafts. My favorite part of being at the center is that Arianna, a therapeutic recreation specialist at the center, makes me laugh. She teaches me how to do many creative crafts and gets me to participate in so many different adapted sports."

CenterLight PACE Therapeutic Recreation Specialist Arianna Corretjer also loves having Irma at the DHC. She says, "Irma may be 97 years old, but she has the most youthful, energetic and loving spirit that many of her peers gravitate to. We love having her smiling face and positive attitude at the CenterLight Healthcare PACE center in Westchester.”

In addition to the DHC activities, Irma also enjoys physical and occupational therapy and receive all the services she needs to remain living in the community. 

“We are very happy and welcome at CenterLight because they help us a lot. We are here doing exercise to strengthen our body and our bones. It is a very beautiful place where us old folks relax and enjoy our time. We really enjoy ourselves more than anything doing exercises because it helps us at our age.”

According to Irma, every day is a new adventure at the CenterLight Healthcare PACE Center and an opportunity to make new friends. “I forget that I am 97 years old, I forget that I have pain and feel lonely at home. I truly feel happy and alive when I am at the CenterLight Healthcare PACE center.”

Irma has been a CenterLight PACE participant for 10 years and is enrolled as a participant at the time of posting.

H3329 IrmaBlog2024 Approved 09172024
Last Updated August 1, 2024

CenterLight Healthcare has an approved PACE contract with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and NY State Department of Health (NYSDOH). Enrollment in CenterLight Healthcare PACE depends on renewal of its contract with CMS and NYSDOH. Participants may be fully and personally liable for the cost of unauthorized or out-of-PACE program agreement services. Upon enrollment, the PACE program will be the participant’s sole service provider. Participants will have access to all services needed as identified by the Interdisciplinary Team, but not to a specific provider of these services. Please contact us for more information.

H3329 CLPACEWebsite Approved 10222024

Last Updated on October 2, 2024