What You Need to Know About Diabetes and Older Adults

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November is National Diabetes Month! Learning about diabetes symptoms, prevention, and management is an important step you can take in preventing complications and continuing to live safely and independently in your own home.

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is the main type of sugar found in your blood and your main source of energy. Glucose comes from the food you eat and is also made in your liver and muscles. Your blood carries glucose to all of your body’s cells to use for energy. Your pancreas—an organ, located between your stomach and spine, that helps with digestion—releases a hormone it makes, called insulin, into your blood. Insulin helps your blood carry glucose to all your body’s cells. Sometimes your body doesn’t make enough insulin or the insulin doesn’t work the way it should. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells. Your blood glucose levels get too high and can cause diabetes.

What are the symptoms of Diabetes?

People who think they might have diabetes must visit a medical provider for diagnosis. They might have SOME or NONE of the following symptoms:

  • Frequent urination
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Extreme hunger
  • Sudden vision changes
  • Tingling or numbness in hands or feet
  • Feeling very tired much of the time
  • Very dry skin
  • Sores that are slow to heal
  • More infections than usual

What are the risk factors of Diabetes?

Diabetes occurs in every age group. Although type 2 diabetes can affect individuals at any age, it is more likely to develop in older adults. In addition, those who are overweight, have a family history of the disease, are physically inactive, are African American, Hispanic/Latino American, Asian American, Pacific Islander or American Indian, also have an increased risk of developing diabetes.

What do you need to take care of your Diabetes?

Diabetes cannot be cured, but it can be controlled. Here are a few things you can do to help manage your diabetes:

  • See your medical provider on a regular basis. Only a medical provider can accurately determine whether or not you have diabetes and what the next steps are for treating it.
  • Get your annual eye exam. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people with diabetes are at a higher risk of vision loss and eye diseases, but more than 90% of diabetes-related vision loss can be avoided with early detection and treatment.
  • Get an annual foot exam. People with diabetes are at risk of diabetes-related foot conditions. Regular foot exams can help identify problems early and prevent them from getting worse.
  • Take your medication as prescribed by your medical provider. There are a variety of medications such as insulin injections or pills/tablets that can help control your diabetes and prevent it from getting worse or causing complications. It is important that these medications are taken as prescribed by your medical provider.
  • Watch what you eat. Ask a dietitian to help you develop a schedule of meals and snacks. Eat foods that are lower in calories, have less fat, less sugar, and less salt. Do not skip meals, as this can make your blood glucose level fall.
  • Be active. Physical activity can help you control your blood sugar and manage your diabetes. Always consult with your medical provider before increasing your activity level or starting an exercise program.

CenterLight Healthcare PACE is committed to providing accurate health-related information to help individuals live well, stay healthy and make well-informed healthcare decisions. Information in this material is strictly educational. We recommend that users consult with their medical provider regarding their care.

This blog post is written by Heather Ogando, MD, Vice President of Clinical Operations at CenterLight Healthcare PACE.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Promoting Eye Health
Promoting Foot Health

Updated October 16, 2024

CenterLight Healthcare has an approved PACE contract with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and NY State Department of Health (NYSDOH). Enrollment in CenterLight Healthcare PACE depends on renewal of its contract with CMS and NYSDOH. Participants may be fully and personally liable for the cost of unauthorized or out-of-PACE program agreement services. Upon enrollment, the PACE program will be the participant’s sole service provider. Participants will have access to all services needed as identified by the Interdisciplinary Team, but not to a specific provider of these services. Please contact us for more information.

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Last Updated on November 22, 2024